Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Applying English In a School


a. Morning English
Morning English are English-language activities conducted just prior learning in school activities take place in the form of short conversations or saying vocabulary, much better this is done every day routine and discipline.
b. English Week
That is where each student is required to speak English in a week / day given in every activity they do, whether in the classroom, office, and cafeteria. In order to achieve the success rate is more English this week to be done by each component of the school; Principals, Staff TU, teacher, janitor, Security, canteen vendors in schools and the students themselves. Besides discipline must also be done in order to achieve a satisfactory result.
c. English Club
Namely the establishment of a group of students in all activities using English. This group can be a very effective tool of learning.
Some of the proposed method will never succeed without discipline and support of each school.

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